Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sony actually Canned the PSN--Knew Halo was too much for Killzone 3

After speaking with our man on the street Larry the Hobo, Sony revealed that they actually pulled all funding out of the PlayStation Network because it wasn't as good as Xbox Live.

"We were in over our heads when it came to online. We thought we had it right, but...Halo and Microsoft are just too much for us. So, no more PSN at all...ever-forever."

Some strong words, but, what do YOU think? Is this a smart move by Sony?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Conduit 2 Sales SUCK! Worst Publisher Advertising EVAR!?

Conduit 2 is out and is suffering abysmal sales after having literally NO advertising from SEGA WHATSOEVER! Perhaps if SEGA would stop sucking their hedgehog's dick they can make a sale or two from Conduit 2.

I played in multiple online games in Conduit 2 and the rooms were never filled!


Saturday, June 5, 2010

EPIC! Infamous/Infamous 2 Comparison Shot

Did you enjoy Infamous?  Well, you must be thrilled with the news about Infamous 2!
Rest assured, Infamous 2 will be EPIC!
We have the screen shot comparison after the jump!

Twisted Metal confirmed to Move

It was revealed earlier this week, through the detective work of GameThirst, that Michael Pachter revealed David Jaffe's new game before E3.

According to Pachter, Jaffe's game will be a new Twisted Metal game, for the PS3.

Well, we here at HitsThirst, have learned from our reliable source, Larry the Hobo, that Twisted Metal is now confirmed to Move!

Larry said, "I'm not too sure about Twisted Metal, but if it's like my alcoholic beverages, it's going to Move off the shelves like crazy!"

There you it folks, you heard it here first. Twisted Metal confirmed to Move!

Thanks Larry!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Jaffe: F*ck Killzone 3, Get Halo Reach Instead

Jaffe is on a roll today, because the guys at Gamesthirst got a quick word with him, and he had this to say about Killzone 3.

"That game is f*cking stupid. Ohhhh!!!!!!!! Helghast are scarrry. La-di-da, Master Chief owns that series, and he will BR them back to Helghan! Xbox 360 FT Motha-fuckin win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Some strong words, eh? Oh yea, thanks Larry the Hobo!

RumorThirst: Halo Reach Delayed til 2011 Due to Black Ops

Larry the Hobo is at it again! The pansies at Bungie are apparently scared to release their upcoming Halo Reach game, and it is all due to Call of Duty: Black Ops. Official quote below:

"Black Ops scares the hell out of us, so because of that, Halo Reach won't come out until 2011. Sorry guys, but Black Ops is the better game."

Jaffe Wanted God of War on Original Xbox

According to a recent interview with David Jaffe by our friend Larry the Hobo, David Jaffe wanted God of War to be put on the original Xbox. The official quote is below.

"I've always preferred the Xbox as a gaming console, because the Sony PlayStation is just for p*ssies. I mean really, who wants to play a dumb racing simulator, or a stealth action game? Xbox is where it's at, with the Halo franchise and the new look into online gaming. I couldn't put Kratos on the system because he was too awesome for it, so I had to settle for the less powerful, PS2."

Well, there ya have it folks, Kratos was an Xbot all along!