Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sony actually Canned the PSN--Knew Halo was too much for Killzone 3

After speaking with our man on the street Larry the Hobo, Sony revealed that they actually pulled all funding out of the PlayStation Network because it wasn't as good as Xbox Live.

"We were in over our heads when it came to online. We thought we had it right, but...Halo and Microsoft are just too much for us. So, no more PSN at all...ever-forever."

Some strong words, but, what do YOU think? Is this a smart move by Sony?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Conduit 2 Sales SUCK! Worst Publisher Advertising EVAR!?

Conduit 2 is out and is suffering abysmal sales after having literally NO advertising from SEGA WHATSOEVER! Perhaps if SEGA would stop sucking their hedgehog's dick they can make a sale or two from Conduit 2.

I played in multiple online games in Conduit 2 and the rooms were never filled!
