Saturday, June 5, 2010

Twisted Metal confirmed to Move

It was revealed earlier this week, through the detective work of GameThirst, that Michael Pachter revealed David Jaffe's new game before E3.

According to Pachter, Jaffe's game will be a new Twisted Metal game, for the PS3.

Well, we here at HitsThirst, have learned from our reliable source, Larry the Hobo, that Twisted Metal is now confirmed to Move!

Larry said, "I'm not too sure about Twisted Metal, but if it's like my alcoholic beverages, it's going to Move off the shelves like crazy!"

There you it folks, you heard it here first. Twisted Metal confirmed to Move!

Thanks Larry!

1 comment:

  1. I wish you would get the story straight. Its supposed to be on Xbox 360 also. It's Twisted Metal with Move and Natal and will be available by the end of the month. I mean come on do some research.
